Some Drawings

I did this drawing after watching Life With Father (a great watch, by the way). I've mostly been working on drawing people, which isn't easy. Farewell for now! May you always be blessed With walls for the wind, A roof for the rain, A warm cup of tea by the fire, Laughter to cheer you, [...]

Two Drawings

This was supposed to be Shirley Temple.  It doesn't really resemble her, but it was good practice. (And, yes, observant reader, her mouth did close!  I wasn't satisfied with how her teeth looked, so I changed it.) This cowboy is one of my favorite drawings I've done.  I used a tortillon to shade these two [...]

Colored Pencil Drawing

With some birthday money, I went to Hobby Lobby and bought something which I've had my eye on for a while.  (And, much to my delight, I found that it was on sale!!)  It's a spinning tool organizer.  The pencils, brushes, and other craft supplies I have collected through the years had been lying about [...]


I have been slowly filling up an art journal I got for Christmas with art-filled quotes from books, movies, or famous people.  Here is what I have finished so far: (Above is a quote from the movie Harvey.) The one above was very fun to draw as I put many characters in it!  If you don't [...]

Doggies and Drawings

Poor Sissy was showing signs of mouth pain and wasn't eating, so we took her to the vet.  He informed us that she had a gum and ear infection!  She got a shot for the gum infection and ear drops for the other.  She is feeling much, much better now and can eat normally. The picture above [...]

Art, Pictures, and More

It's been a while since I've posted lately, so I'm going to try to catch up by posting a conglomeration of things I've been up to lately. The drawing above is from the movie version of The Hobbit.  It took quite a while to complete, but it was fun to try to capture each of the [...]

Drawings and Pictures

A sketch of Rosie.  It doesn't resemble her much, but at least it looks like a Golden Retriever! This was going to just be a normal cat, but it turned into a grumpy cat. This little birdie was trying very hard to meet his reflection in our car windows! And here are these two puppy [...]