On St. Patrick’s Day…

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  I found some three leaf clover in the yard, and my whole family wore green to Mass today.  Tonight, we are having Irish or green foods: potatoes, Irish soda bread, green cookies, and green ice cream. I'm so glad to see signs of spring where I live.  February was a cold, [...]

Christmas Update and More

I didn't post as much as I wanted to over Christmas break, so I'll just write a little (okay, not little; it's long 🙂 ) update about why I've been so busy.  We went to Christmas Eve Mass with our grandparents, and my brother and dad also went to Midnight Mass.  After eating biscuits and [...]

Fat Tuesday

On Fat Tuesday, my family has a special tradition of eating breakfast for dinner.  We do this because back in the olden days, people would eat up all of their meat and dairy products before Lent started as they would fast from them.  It's a fun and delicious tradition that the whole family enjoys!